View these tutorials, application samples and theoretical publications :
An Evaluation of Methods and Available Software for Seismic Refraction Tomography Analysis
(Jacob R. Sheehan et al., JEEG March 2005. Compares Rayfract with GeoTomo LLC GeoCT-II and OYO SeisImager)
Land Streamer Aided Geophysical Studies at Saqqara, Egypt (Carlyle R. Miller et al. JEEG December 2005; HTML)
Is the Optimum XY spacing of the Generalized Reciprocal Method (GRM) constant or variable? Paper presented by Hamdy H. Seisa at 67th Annual Meeting of the German Geophysical Society (DGG), Aachen, March 26-29 2007
Comparison of pseudo-2D
Delta-t-V initial model with 1D-gradient initial model, for basement depression (syncline model) described by Derecke Palmer
Comparison of pseudo-2D
Delta-t-V initial model with 1D-gradient initial model, for basement depression model as described by Jacob Sheehan
2D sections of porosity and water saturation percent from combined resistivity and seismic surveys for hydrogeologic studies (R. Mota and F. Monteiro dos Santos, SEG The Leading Edge June 2006. Simulated Annealing of Res2DInv and Rayfract output)
The traveltime equation, tau-p mapping, and inversion of common midpoint data (John B. Diebold and Paul L. Stoffa 1981, SEG Geophysics, volume 46, pp. 238-254)
Mt. Bulga Revisited (Bob Whiteley and Tak Ming Leung, 2006. Compares Smooth inversion with VIRT interpretation)
Mt. Bulga Revisited : Graphics (Bob Whiteley and Tak Ming Leung, 2006)
Rayfract in Marine Surveys (Zivko Terzic, 2006)
Sinkhole imaging with Smooth 2D
inversion compared with conventional Wavefront interpretation
The Plus-Minus Method of Interpreting Seismic Refraction Sections (J.G. Hagedoorn 1959, EAGE Geophysical Prospecting, volume 7, pp. 158-182)
Application of Seismic Refraction Tomography to Karst Cavities
(Jacob R. Sheehan et al. 2005, U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2005-5160)
Tau-p refraction tomography and statics, compared with well stratigraphy and applied to
reflection survey (WesternGeco)
Comparison of 2D WET tomographic imaging with conventional refraction interpretation (Håkan Mattsson, GeoVista AB)
seg2_edit; A Program for Editing
and Manipulating SEG-2 Files, by K. J. Ellefsen (USGS Open-File Report)
Smooth 2D inversion compared with
conventional Wavefront interpretation of Palmer Mt. Bulga data set
Smooth inversion compared with conventional Wavefront
inversion, of low coverage line (7 shots into 24 receivers)
Cavity imaging with Rayfract 2.61,
correlated with borehole results
A ray inversion method for refraction analysis (Glyn M. Jones and D. B. Jovanovich 1985)
Nonlinear least-squares inversion of traveltime data for a linear velocity-depth relationship (Bruce S. Gibson et al. 1979)
Examination of the optimum XY value by ray tracing (Tak Ming Leung 1995)
Controls of traveltime data and problems of the generalized reciprocal method (Tak Ming Leung 2003)
A brief study of applications of the generalized reciprocal method and of some limitations of the method (Bengt Sjögren 2000)
Comparison of pseudo 2D
Delta-t-V initial model with 1D gradient initial model
Thrust fault modeling
and imaging with Surfer 8 and Rayfract 3.19
Imaging of dynamic
Poisson's ratio with fail-safe "Smooth inversion" as implemented for version 2.51
Improved interpretation
of "Dipping" SEG 2003 Dallas model (Jacob Sheehan et al.), with Delta-t-V version 2.47
Evaluation of refraction
tomography codes for near-surface applications (Jacob Sheehan et al., Oak Ridge National
Laboratory Tennessee, SEG 2003 Dallas abstract)
Tutorials showing
processing of client profiles
Low coverage survey (7 shots
into 24 receivers) processed with W_GeoSoft WinSism, Optim LLC SeisOpt@2D and Rayfract.
Verification with two drillings (Jacques Jenny 2003)
Fractured bedrock
mapping with Rayfract Tomography and Wavefront methods (9 shots into 24
irregularly spaced receivers)
Investigation of a landfill with Seismic Refraction, Resistivity and Electromagnetic
methods (William E. Doll et al. 2001, Oak Ridge National Laboratory Tennessee; Adobe
Acrobat; compares Rayfract with Rimrock Geophysics SIPT-2 software)
Tomographic inversion
of a high coverage seismic line (28 shots into 48 receivers) with Rayfract
Wavepath Eikonal Traveltime WET tomography : Theory (Gerard T. Schuster and Aksel Quintus-Bosz 1993)
Seismic traveltime tomography using Fresnel volume approach (Toshiki Watanabe 1999)
Beyond ray tomography: Wavepaths and Fresnel volumes (Don W. Vasco et al. 1995)
The Fresnel volume and transmitted waves (Jesper Spetzler and Roel Snieder 2004)
Improving modelling and inversion in refraction seismics with a first-order
Eikonal solver (Isabelle Lecomte et al. 2000)